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November 12, 2007

Florida is beautiful this time of year

Went to Betharino's wedding in Florida this weekend, and it was completely perfect - sun, friends, great parties, and a beautiful, glowing bride. I did a reading at the ceremony and barely made it through before I broke down and cried like a baby. It was so beautiful. And I got to lay by the pool in November, so it was pretty much the best weekend of my life.


jaesi said...

Oh man Im jealous! I want a wedding!
Leah looked at the picture of the bride and said "she is sooo beautiful, I want to see her shoes!"

Tonya said...

Leah would've loved it - she wore sparkly flip flops.

Kaysie Lee said...

What a lovely wedding, and you look amazing(Oh, to be strapless and fancy free!). Florida in November,(Cabo in November) I know what you mean, although you probably looked great in your swimming suit(I still don't look pregnant. I just look like I have this odd little fat deposite around my lower tummy. Not so cute). Glad you had a great weekend!

jaesi said... can I read about Tonyas life if Tonya never UPDATES!!!! UPDATE!!!
Love ya and miss ya!

Courtney Kristi Easton & Ian said...

Look who I found!! I can't believe you have a blog! I am so glad I found it, hope everything is going great for you out in Salt Lake :) You look beautiful in that dress!

Janice said...

Hey, do you rememeber me? I am Kristi's sis in law. I met you a while ago, didn't you go away for pharmacu shcool or something? Were you at the Ashley Regional's Hospital's Christmas party this year? My hubby works there and I swear I saw you there, i kept trying to figure out how I know you, Greg reminded me you were friends with Kristi. How the crap are ya?

Ashley said...

Freak Tonya! Update your blog!

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