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April 14, 2008

I Heart NY

I recently went to New York for a week with Darcy (can I say no to a free hotel room in New York City for a week???) and it was fantastic!  We saw shows, spent the day in Central Park, ate amazing food (hello, Angelo's pizza!), went shopping, and basically enjoyed NY for what it is: the Best City Ever.  

Also, my darling friends Diana and Nic got engaged the other day!!  Congratulations!  


Cassie said...

I'm jealous!! I love NYC. That's quite a lovely jacket you are sporting as well. I believe I have the same one hanging in my closet. (: I have good taste after all.

Kaysie Lee said...

How fun for you! Looks like you had an amazing time. I would love to see New York(and not just from a window in an air plane). Perhaps some day.

Tonya said...

Kays, NY is amazing. If I had any money I'd totally move there. I don't understand how ANYone can afford it. They must have no debt whatsoever and spend their entire paychecks on rent and food.

Cass, I knew there was someone else who had that same jacket! I love it. We are both so stylish. I had a lady in NY ask me if it was Prada. I should've said yes! And you do need to come see my new-ish place. Come over anytime!

Ashley said...

So FUN! Eric and I are going in September, I can't wait!

jaesi said...

you are killing would it be to live your life?!!! Im stuck home in my pjs eating cookie dough with to much salt in it!

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