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May 26, 2008

Workin' for the Weekend

So as many of you may already know, I recently got a new job.  I figured, I've now been out of school a year, I've been a licensed pharmacist working at Target for a whole 5 months now, it's time to try something new-and that something new is called Pharmerica.  (Every time I say it I feel stupid because it's such a stupid name and it reminds me of Kramerica Industries.)  However, it is turning out to be the best job EVER!  

Pharmerica (*wince*) is what we in the biz call a 'closed door' pharmacy, contracted with long term care facilities like nursing homes and such.  It's 'closed door' because we do business directly with the nurses and doctors at the facilities, and don't have people bringing their prescriptions to us to fill.  

I've worked there five days now, and I can't believe I actually get paid the same money to do this as I was at Target.  It's a BREEZE!  All I have to do is check prescriptions for interactions, clinical appropriateness, etc, etc....I don't have to enter orders, or speak with insurance companies or grumpy customers, or stand for 12 hours a day without even getting to go to the restroom, or anything, I get to actually BE a pharmacist!  I haven't been even remotely yelled at for over a week, and I gotta tell ya, it feels sensational.  I work Monday through Friday, 9-6, with a WHOLE HOUR for lunch-no more 12-13 hour days!  No more scarfing down my lunch in 10 minutes!  It's AWESOME!!!  

So, in case any of you were wondering if Tonya is happy in her new job, the answer is a tepid, "it's pretty okay."  :)


Ashley said...

Yea Tonay! I'm happy that you are happy! When are you going to come down and play? Did I tell you I have a heated pool at my clubhouse and a guest room?

jaesi said...

its pretty bet!!!
Good to know you can kick your feet up for an hour at lunch now, you deserve it. :)
hows the vacation time.....good? then go on a Norfolk maybe...

Kristi said...

Congratulations on your new job, i am glad you enjoy it!! You definately deserve to enjoy your job after all your hard work and dedication to school!! When are you coming to good old Vernal again?? We need to get together.

Kaysie Lee said...

Tonya, I am so happy for you! I know I'm a little behind in telling you that, but yes congrats!

Lemmonhead said...

So cool!! I am glad you are doing something you like. I am so happy you visited my blog!! It's fun to hear from you and visit your blog!!

telekinekris said...

You need to complain more in your blogs. It's what sells.

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