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July 2, 2008

Still too busy...

Yay!  I closed on my house today!  I was so excited and full of butterflies and I wanted to tell everyone!  So I called my dad, no answer.  I called my mom, no answer.  I called my dad again, no answer.  I called my mom again, no answer.  I called Levi, no answer.  I called Darcy, no answer.  I knew everyone else was at work so I called my dad again, no answer.  I called dad's work, they said he'd already left for the day.  I called my mom, no answer.  I called my dad, no answer.  Then I gave up.  But I'm still uber excited!  Hooray!


jaesi said...

I would have answered.
How exciting for you!
We are coming in August...get together yes?

Emma said...


Ashley said...

So Freaking Exciting! We all really need pictures. Way to go Tonay!

kami said...

woo hoo!! you weren't linked because i'm retarded and forgot how i linked the last too. i'm lame.

telekinekris said...

You 'tard! Why didn't you call me? You were texting me. You could have just called and screamed and cried and prayed and laughed and danced and chewed celery... I don't know what emotions you go through when you're buying a house, but we could have done it all!!! And I still would have tried to talk you into a secret barf attack on the bankers.

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