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November 5, 2008

Five is easier than eight

Thanks Kami...I'm sure everyone was DYING to know these things about me.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago ...
1- That was a long time ago...1998.  Sheesh, I was a junior in high school.
2- Taking calculus and AP Literature
3- Hanging out with Kaysie a lot (but that was most of the 90s.  :))
4- Skipping seminary with Greg and going to McDonalds for breakfast
5- Making Christopher my new best friend...and he still hasn't gotten rid of me.  Mwah hah hah!

5 things on today's "to do" list...
1- Today is almost over!  My to do list is almost done!
2- Work.  For a long time.
3- Take out the garbage can (I actually remembered!)
4- Run the dishwasher - done!
5- Wash my one's waiting until tomorrow.

5 snacks I enjoy...
1- Chips and salsa
2- Graham crackers with chocolate frosting
3- Ice cream
4- Sour patch kids
5- honestly I've had to think about this question more than any cheese.

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1- Pay off my house and student loans
2- Landscape the yard, finish the basement, build a garage
3- Vacations, baby!
4- Jewelry shopping
5- More vacations.  I sure like not working.

5 places I have lived...
1- V-Town
2- WeJo
3- St Jorge
4- B'more

5 jobs that I have had...
1- Costume maker
2- Registration clerk
3- Pharmacy intern
4- Pharmacist
5- Being awesome.  Kami is my mentor.


Ashley said...

I DID want to know those 5x5 things. It's good to hear from you!

kami said...

see? someone did want to know, so THERE!

you wanna make some wood davers with me?

Kaysie Lee said...

Loved hearing your fives, and your Halloween costum kicked ass! So funny! I'm still laughing.

Kaysie Lee said...

oops forgot the e laughing to hard to spell.

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