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January 17, 2009

Is It School Picture Time Already??

It sure feels like it!!  I'm not sure of the reasoning behind it, but at work they have this wall where they have 8x10 professional framed pictures of all the pharmacists.  And because I'm fairly new, it's my turn to have my picture taken and put up on the wall!  Well, it was very strange.  I left work, went home, got all dolled up, went to the photography studio, had a bunch of photos taken, chose the one I liked best, and then headed back to work.  And here's how it turned out:

Don't I just look all professional and fancy?  The strangest part was there were two extra 5x7s that they gave to me.  What am I going to do with them?  (And why do they order them if they're not going to use them?)  I guess give them to my mom, like I did in 7th grade.  :)  


Kristi said...

oh Tonya, you look gorgeous!!

jaesi said...

you def look like a Pharmacist now!
Ill take the other 5x7 please....:)

Joshua said...

The pic turned out great! Personally, and I say this having about 0 (zero) knowledge of smart people pharmacist things, you need a white robe thing... don't you? Here you're just flaunting your radiant femininity at work. =) Some call that sexual harassment.

kami said...

i think you should frame one and put it on your mantel. i'm just sayin'...

Melanie said...

You are so photogenic! You look great. We definitely need to get together soon!

Tonya said...

Kristi - thanks honey!

Josh - I know! I think it's weird they didn't have us wear white coats...although we don't wear them at work, either. And as far as flaunting my radiant femininity, I can't help that. It's a gift. :)

Mel - we do need to get together! CALL ME!

jaesi said...

Tonya...we would Looooove to have you come!
The only thing we have going on is our vacation in March. other than that....we are wide open!
hip hip!!!

ann hunting said...

You better! Maybe in a Valentine Card?

Corby and Crystal's Crap said...

Still as cute as ever... and still not as fair as ever! :)

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