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February 20, 2009

Hello my darlings...

Sorry for the belated post!  Things have been fairly busy for me lately.

-I am taking Introduction to Corporate Finance this semester, one of the four classes I need to finish with my MBA.  So far I have learned one very important lesson: I am not very good at finance.

-I am in love with a boy from Pittsburgh who currently lives in Price, Utah.  His name is DH Hamilton, and he is a coal geologist for a mine near Price.  He works upwards of 50 hours a week, so we only get to see each other on weekends.  We typically spend Friday night through Sunday afternoon together, and love every minute of it.  I'm not sure if it's fate or luck or kismet that brought us together...but whatever it is, I'm very grateful.

-Work is going well - they are remodeling our building, so things are a little hectic at the moment.  Today they were glue-ing down the carpet, and the fumes gave me a migraine and I had to come home early.  But I still have the easiest job ever and it's paying the bills, so I can't complain.  

-Somehow my computer erased all the playlists from my iTunes.  I'm not happy about it.

-I'm going to Florida for 10 days in March with DH, and I'm going to meet his parents...I'm a little nervous!!  But I'm more excited than nervous, because I will get to go to Disneyworld and lay on the beach when it's still only 40 degrees in Utah!  Yay!

-I am writing this post as a way of ignoring my homework.  But I can't think of anything else to say, so I guess it's back to work!  


Kristi said...

Congrats!! I am so jealous that you get to go be warm, but you totally deserve it. Hey post a picture of the cute couple I want to see!

Hillary said...

Yay!!! That is some good stuff going on in your world. Can't wait to hear more about the fabulous boy! Keep it coming. You deserve to be so happy!

Joshua said...

I agree with the picture requests!! Have him pose in your totally rad house - that way we get to see more of that, too!

Have fun in FL. =) It would be a lie to say I'm not jealous... so I'll just imply that I don't care. =D

Skye said...

Yeah for good stuff! I didn't know that you were getting your MBA that is cool! What school are you going through? I am excited to hear about DH. Enjoy Florida!

Ashley said...

Yea for Florida! Yea for DH! Yea for you having a great job that lets you own a home! Yea for you getting your MBA (miss smarty mcfarty). So glad that things are going well.

Don't be worried about meeting the 'rents, they are going to adore you. Just like the rest of us.

Cassie said...

Wow, did I miss something? I'm gonna have to come visit you one of these days.

jaesi said...

Tonya Hamilton has a nice ring to it :)

I need to get me one of those easiest jobs in the world and get paid job sucks at the moment and I dont even get paid!!!

Kaysie Lee said...

So glad to hear how things are going. Hope you have fun in florida. such a nice place to visit. I am so very excited for you!

Crystal said...

You are so dang cute... just so you know. I'm so so so happy you are in love! It's the very best feeling in the world! As the other 25 people said, WE WANT TO SEE PICTURES!

Let's really get together now that it's getting nice out. I want to come see your place. Perhaps after work one night? I get off at 5:00 everyday, so just let me know. I'll bring wine (do you drink wine?)


kami said...

did you once tell me that an MBA was a useless degree?

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