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September 27, 2009

For your viewing pleasure

Here are some pictures of Kami and I and our yearly pilgrimage to Moses Lake, WA and The Gorge to see Dave Matthews Band. This year the opener was G. Love and Special Sauce, which was pretty freakin' awesome.

G. Love. And yes, I did buy some boy shorts that say "booty call" on the back.

Just us girls, being awesome.
A very large, very weak, $16 margarita
This is the bathroom at a little gas station we always stop at. Our names were still there from last year! Woo!

We also caught these little beauties dancing their hearts out. They did this for 45 minutes straight that we saw, and then the crowd filled in so we couldn't see them anymore...but I'd like to think they just kept going.


jaesi said...

that was definitely pleasure for my viewing....
they gots rhythm. bare chest and all.

Shame on you for that graffiti and then taking a picture of it and then being proud of it and then posting a picture of it. wink.

Ashley said...

I love you for recording this.

Lemmonhead said...

I am so excited for you getting engaged. I got your text like forever ago, and I keep thinking I will call you and then I never do. Please don't hate me because I am a bad friend. I love your guts. I'll try to call you some time.
again, congrates!!!

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