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April 25, 2010


There's never a good time for crappy things to happen, but why can't they happen at only moderately inconvenient times instead of terrible times??  D.H. and I came home to a busted water heater on Friday, with hot water leaking pouring out of the top of the water heater onto the concrete floor in the basement.  We called the plumber and he confirmed our suspicions - time for a new water heater.  Of course it would be the same weekend we have to pay off our wedding in Mexico.  Blah.


jaesi said...

son of a gun. crappy things associated with this old house is exactly the reason we cant join you in Mexico. damn.

But- we will be thinking of you! Im so excited for it all to go down and then see pictures. Love you!

Joshua said...

Murphy's Law... Can't wait for pics of the wedding though!

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