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February 27, 2011

New Kids on the Block

The best part of a new house (especially one that's bigger than your old house) is all the new stuff you get to buy for it!!  And thus beginneth part one of...what, probably twenty? posts regarding all The New Stuff.

New Sofa!!  D.H. and I have been waiting for this guy for weeks, we actually purchased him right after the new year, ordered him in the color we wanted, and then waited and waited...and now he's here!  World, meet new sofa:
*Sidenote for my Mama: I came across someone named Sofa the other more name to add to the list, along with Allstar and Top Drawer and Empty Lot.
We love how tailored he is, and all that nailhead trim.  There's nothing I hate more than poufy, frumpy-looking furniture.

One of my main passions in life is trolling Craigslist for treasures...which is where I found this little darling, crying out for attention and love.  She weighs about a thousand pounds, so I'm especially grateful to my D.H. and our friend Buddy who carried it down and around a narrow, angled staircase without seriously damaging anything or anyone.  I don't know what color to paint her, yet, but I do know once she gets a little beautification going on she'll be a knockout, perfect for storing our ever-expanding collection of DVDs.  You can't beat that for fifty buckanos!

Ah...and my new, 100-year-old oak buffet.  D.H. and I did a dangerous thing and discovered a wonderful antiques store in McMurray, PA called The Forget Me Not Shoppe, which is not only well stocked with awesome pieces but they are also reasonably priced.  And they deliver.  This charmer was even on sale.  squeeee!  That foggy, age-warped mirror!  Those drawer pulls!...I need to go lie down.

We actually went in to the Forget Me Not Shoppe for this desk for the Mister...
Not that I blame him, it's gorgeous, and in perfect condition, right down to the leather panels on top.

All in all it's been a very productive week for all The New Stuff, which means, of course, that it's time to replenish ye olde bank account before we go for it again.

*And just between you and me, I would put money down that the Mister had the same reaction to the desk that I had to the buffet.  Squeeee! 


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