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June 20, 2008

Quick Update

-Still loving the new job.  We are currently in the process of merging with another pharmacy, and I have been working TONS of overtime (11-15 hour days) to help out (and to have a little extra moolah, because...)

-I'm buying a house!  It's SO adorable, a tiny little bungalow with a big front porch and a big yard and a fireplace in the living room, and I love it!  I close on it July 2, so there will be many more updates to come.

-It has finally gotten warm enough to be summer here in the good ol' SLC, and I am loving it!  Makes me miss my Dixie days and laying out at the pool 4 days a week. 

-I'm on call for the first time this weekend for work, and I'm kinda nervous!  I don't really even know what I'm supposed to do!  Cross your fingers that I don't get called in in the middle of the night!


George and Karyn said...

congrats on the new home!!! I am really jealous. I think you will do an be just fine while your on call, but I will cross my fingers for you.

telekinekris said...

People post the stupidest fucking comments on blogs. Me love you long time.

Cassie said...

that is so exciting. I can't wait to see it. I thought of you yesterday and thanks for the text. missed you.

Kaysie Lee said...

Oh Tonya, I am so excited for you! You need to post some pictures of it. It sounds beautiful! Where is it? I want to know everything.
I better stop because I'm sure that this comment would be called one of the stupidest. I sound like I should be leading a cheer. Oh well, Go Tonya!

jaesi said...

a house!!! awesome.
I need to see this quaint little bungalow.

steph k said...

aww! yay a house! I am house hungry, so that is super exciting!!

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