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November 11, 2008


I am...excited to see some old friends this weekend!
I house is the cutest EVER!
I know... how to sniff out a bargain on pretty much anything
I want... to go dancing this weekend
I have... around 25 handbags
I wish ...I didn't get irritated so easily
I hate... meatloaf, rude people, windy weather
I fear... losing people who are important to me
I feel... productive - I've already raked leaves AND done my workout for the day!
I hear... some good music coming from the back bedroom
I smell... apple cinnamon air freshener
I wonder... what I'll take to Pam's this weekend
I regret... letting myself be too vulnerable
I love... naps, ice cream, doggies, my family
I always... follow my instincts
I am not ... big on drama
I believe... in myself
I don't always... remember to take out the garbage on trash day
I win... because I have the raddest friends EVER
I lose... a lot of things because I'm too forgetful and easily distracted (if anyone finds my Banana Republic card...)
I never... am on time for anything!
I listen... to my own fears and insecurities more than I should
I am scared of... ghosts and spiders
I read... whatever I can get my hands on, whenever I have time
I am happy about... my independence and my ability to rely on myself


Geier's said...

Hey! It's nice to read something from you. Do you miss Vernal? I have always thought you were such asweet person. Drop me a line if you have time.

Becky Hamann Geier

Jillybobilly said...

i love that list. It makes me want to give it to Corey to see what his answers would be.

Kaysie Lee said...

Tonya I love this post. Even if it does make me miss you more than normal.

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