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April 3, 2008

Things I really love (thanks Ash)

That first really warm day of spring
My family
New York City
Road trips + great music + fun people
Houseplants that stay alive under my care
Friends old and new
Finding a darling coat/dress/pair of shoes at a screaming deal
Knowing the answer to a drug question without having to look it up
A good read
Laying out on the beach with enough sunscreen and good sunglasses when it's just warm enough
Curel unscented lotion
Making Levi laugh (it's hard to do!)
Arrested Development


Ashley said...

naps, naps, and more naps. Amen and Hallelujah.

May I make a request? I think we all need to see pictures of where you work, your co-workers, where you live , and a signature with whatever initials go behind a brilliant and gorgeous pharmacist.

Christense Clan said...

Hey Godspell friend! This is Amberly(Burton)Christensen. I found you off of Ashley's blog. You look great! How are things?

Cassie said...

I love naps, and a good book. I need to come and see your new place soon. Maybe next week sometime.

jaesi said...

I can hear your voice saying all those...especially "darling clothes at a screaming good deal"

Get your bum out here! You are Paul can talk macs....he is now obsessed.

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